九州体育平台入口获得学生交流访问学者计划(SEVP)认证 to enroll non-immigrant F-1 students. If you are an international student holding 或寻求F-1签证,并有兴趣申请九州体育平台入口(CHC), 我们鼓励您在秋季学期的5月1日之前申请,或者在11月1日之前申请 春季学期.
Important Information for F-1 国际学生:
- 每学期(春季和秋季学期)必须至少注册十二(12)个单元。 保持全日制身份以获得F-1签证,但可以选择注册超过 twelve (12) units at current non-resident rate per unit. Enrolling in summer 课程 是可选的.
- Must maintain a minimum of a 2.GPA一直是0
- 在未来的任何时候都要持有至少六个月有效的护照
- 在降至全日制注册以下之前,向DSO申请授权
- Report all address changes within 10 days
- 向指定学校官员(DSO)报告学习计划的变更并提出要求 新的I-20
- 尽快申请转学到另一所认可的学校
- Request travel signature before you depart the US
- 至少在项目结束前两周申请I-20延期
- 在校期间保持有效的医疗保险
CURRENT F-1 VISA students must also provide: - Transfer release from previous instituition.
- Appropriate immigration documents
International Student Checklist
Before you come to the United States:
为了被考虑录取,必须提交以下列出的所有材料 by the deadlines listed above:
Application for Admission to College
请注意,作为一名国际学生,收到一个学生身份证号 does not guarantee admission into 九州体育平台入口. -
International 学生应用程序
申请人必须填写《九州体育bet9平台入口》和《九州体育bet9平台入口》 学生应用程序. -
Declaration of Financial Support (USCIS I-134)
所有国际学生必须提供学费、杂费、 书本费、用品费及生活费按目前两学年估计 成本率. 银行信函/结算单(最近6个月内)必须由个人出具 检查/储蓄账户. Screenshots or transaction histories will not be accepted.
View Estimated Cost for One Academic Year
- 所有高中/中学和学院/大学的正式成绩单. Applicants must be a high/secondary school graduate. Students who wish to receive 将在学校修的课程学分转到副学士学位 outside of the United States (without U.S. regional accreditation), must follow the procedures outlined under Foreign Transcript Evaluation,发现于 当前目录.
- 英语语言能力证明:如果英语不是官方语言和 如果是你所在国家的官方语言教学,你必须出示英语证明 proficiency by supplying proof of one of the following items.
- A copy of passport identification 页面.
- One recent passport sized photograph.
- $25 non-refundable 九州体育平台入口 application fee. Application fee can be paid
in person at 九州体育平台入口 九州体育平台入口 & 记录 off冰 by a relative or friend,
Parent or Guardian Authorization (Students Under Age 18)
的 Application for Admission must be submitted online. All other items listed above must be sent as a packet to:
Attn: 咨询 Department / 国际学生 Program
尤凯帕,CA 92399 USA
Incomplete or late applications will not be processed. Please note that all documents 提交给九州体育平台入口成为学院的财产,并且不会 be returned to the applicant.
从学院收到申请之日起,处理申请的时间最长为两周 所有文件. 您将收到有关您的申请状态的电子邮件更新. 在做出决定后,您将收到I-20和录取通知书. Before you schedule your Visa appointment with the U.S. 大使馆,你必须付钱 i - 901的费用 www.冰.gov / sevis / i901, and print confirmation receipt number. For current F-1 transfer students, take your 录取通知书和转学表格寄给您指定的学校主管/国际学生 student advisor for completion. No pending reinstatement, terminated, or completed 接受记录.
Enroll in an international health 保险 plan. Verification will must be provided upon enrollment to the college.
美国的医疗保健.S. 非常昂贵. An operation or a couple of days of stay 在医院里可能要花费数千甚至数万美元. 作为一个 因此,学院要求所有国际学生购买学生健康保险 保险. 这所大学有一个诊所,教学生如何过健康的生活 and treats minor sickness such as cold or headache. However, students who are seriously ill or injured have to see a doctor outside of the college.
Student health 保险 will cover most of the cost. Insurance may be purchased from ISO International Student Insurance or other 保险 companies. It must be purchased prior to the class registration period for the duration of a semester (fall semester: August through December; spring semester and summer term: January through July). Incoming international students can 在抵达美国后购买医疗保险.
Health 保险 coverage must include the following:
Per injury/sickness maximum
有关健康保险的进一步信息,请与指定学校联系 官方.
After you arrive in the United States:
你必须在秋季学期的8月1日和1月之前到达当地 春季学期4.
你有责任在附近的社区找到自己的住房. 学院 does not have living facilities on campus.
获得最近胸部x光检查或皮肤检查的阴性证实 结核病测试. Note: X-ray or skin test must be done in the United States. 的 成绩必须在入学的第一个月内向学院存档.
When you arrive in the area contact the 咨询中心 在九州体育平台入口安排与国际学生的会面 辅导员.
在与辅导员会面期间,你必须出示你的签证,I-94, I-20, 核实结核检测呈阴性并提供国际健康保险证明. 的se documents will be copied and filed. You will also to develop a program of study or Student Educational Plan (SEP). You may be required to participate in additional 评估,以帮助辅导员安排你在正确的英语和数学 课程.
检查 网上课程表 and select 课程 for the appropriate term. 注册课程 on or after your appropriate Priority Registration date.